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Worldwide Augmented and Virtual Reality Hardware Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 4Q23

Worldwide Augmented and Virtual Reality Hardware Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 4Q23

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Worldwide Augmented and Virtual Reality Hardware Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 4Q23
This IDC study provides an updated forecast for the worldwide augmented and virtual reality hardware market for the 2023–2027 period."Although 2023 will show another year of decline, it will show a significant slowdown compared with 2022," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director, Augmented and Virtual Reality team, IDC. "Like other computing device markets, the AR/VR market was susceptible to macroeconomic and inflationary challenges leading customers to reassess their needs in 2023. With economic recovery and new devices expected in 2024, the AR/VR market will reenter its growth phase."

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