Consumer Goods & Retailing
U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Hardware Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 4Q23
U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Hardware Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 4Q23
U.S. Augmented and Virtual Reality Hardware Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 4Q23
This IDC study provides an updated forecast for the U.S. augmented and virtual reality hardware market for the 2023–2027 period."The U.S. AR/VR market will show slight decline in 2023 before returning to positive growth starting in 2024," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Augmented and Virtual Reality team. "Like many other computing device markets, ongoing macroeconomic and inflationary concerns have put a damper on the AR/VR market, and most vendors have reported lumpiness in demand. That is expected to change in 2024 when Apple releases its Apple Vision Pro and interest returns again."
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