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Japan Virtual Client Computing Market Shares, 2021: Entering the Hybrid Work Era

Japan Virtual Client Computing Market Shares, 2021: Entering the Hybrid Work Era

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Japan Virtual Client Computing Market Shares, 2021: Entering the Hybrid Work Era

This IDC study analyzes the Japan virtual client computing market in 2021, presents the current situation of the market, and summarizes trends and market changes of leading vendors."In 2022, we are already entering the next normal. Hybrid work that adapts traditional work methods to individual companies and employees and end-user computing to support hybrid work are required. The emphasis will be on adapting virtual client to the enterprise IT environment as it evolves into a hybrid solution. To achieve this, the creation of new use cases that are 0.5 steps ahead will lead to increased demand," says Hiroshi Shibutani, senior market analyst for PC, Mobile Devices, and Client Solutions, IDC Japan.

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