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Farm, Lawn & Garden Equipment Wholesaling in Canada - Industry Market Research Report

Farm, Lawn & Garden Equipment Wholesaling in Canada - Industry Market Research Report

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Farm, Lawn & Garden Equipment Wholesaling in Canada - Industry Market Research Report
Farm, Lawn & Garden Equipment Wholesaling in Canada

The farm, lawn and garden equipment wholesaling industry in Canada primarily sells agricultural equipment, including tractors, plows and irrigation spillers. In addition, the industry sells equipment for dairy and livestock farming. Over the five years to 2023, demand from farmers has been moderately volatile due to fluctuations in crop prices and farmer income. High crop prices throughout the period encouraged farmers to spend on new equipment, boosting industry revenue. However, this situation began to reverse in 2019, with global oversupply resulting in plummeting crop prices that slashed income at downstream farms, constraining demand for industry equipment. Downstream markets have since stabilized and grown steadily, boosting overall price and demand conditions. Over the past five years, revenue has grown at a CAGR of 1.2% to $26.7 billion, including an expected 0.9% decrease in 2023. Profit is expected to climb to 7.9% of revenue in 2023 from 6.4% in 2018.Operators in this industry primarily purchase specialized machinery, equipment and related parts used in agricultural and consumer segment activities (e.g. farm, lawn and garden). This equipment is then sold to downstream markets, namely farms and other wholesalers that make them available to end consumers.

This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

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