The Global Rum Market and the Impact of COVID-19 on It in the Medium Term
The Global Rum Market and the Impact of COVID-19 on It in the Medium Term
This report presents a strategic analysis of the global rum market and a forecast for its development in the medium term, taking into account the impact of COVID-19 on it. It provides a comprehensive overview of the market volume and value, dynamics, segmentation, characteristics, main players, prices, international trade, trends and insights, growth and demand drivers, challenges, etc. This is the most detailed (COVID-19 updated) and comprehensive report about the global rum market, covering all global regions and 151 single countries. The report presents information on each indicator for each of the 151 countries covered, offering unmatched value, accuracy and expert insights.
Report Purpose
The purpose of the report is to describe the state of the global rum market and to present real and expert-verified information about the volumes, values, dynamics, segmentation and characteristics of consumption, prices, imports, and exports. The report also presents a forecast for the market development in the short and medium term and the impact COVID-19 has and will have on it. In addition, the report presents an elaborate analysis of the main market participants, industry trends and insights, growth and demand drivers and challenges and all other factors, influencing the market development.
Questions This Report Answers
The report on the global rum market covers:
• Market volume, value and dynamics for the last five years;
• Market segmentation (by region and each covered country; by product groups, etc.) for the last five years;
• Analysis of the factors, influencing the market development (market trends and insights, drivers and challenges) and the impact COVID-19 has and will have on the market in both the short and the medium term;
• Value chain analysis and structure of price formation;
• Analysis of retail price levels and their dynamics for the last five years (broken down by region and each covered country);
• Analysis of the major international trade flows;
• Volume, value, dynamics, segmentation (by region and each covered country) and analysis of imports for the last five years;
• Volume, value, dynamics, segmentation (by region and each covered country) and analysis of exports for the last five years;
• Volume and dynamics of the average import and export prices for the last five years (broken down by region and each covered country);
• Volume, value, dynamics, segmentation and analysis of per capita consumption for the last five years (broken down by region and each covered country);
• Forecast for market development in the medium term (volume, value and segmentation by region and each covered country);
• Characteristics of the main players on the market;
• Analysis of the competitive landscape;
• Five Forces analysis;
• Analysis and forecast for the global economy and demographics.
How Can You Benefit from This Report?
With the help of this report you can:
• Discover reliable and expert-verified market data, with which you can confidently make smarter business decisions and drive your business forward;
• Track market data, including volume, value, segmentation, forecasts, dynamics and structure – past, present and future;
• Quickly and cost–effectively own a strategic analysis and gain competitive intelligence about the market;
• Track and identify key market trends and insights and key drivers behind recent market changes and see the impact COVID-19 has and will have on the market in both the short and the medium term;
• Strategically assess growth potential, opportunities, demand drivers and challenges on the market;
• Own and compare information at both aggregate level (globally and regionally) and for each individual country, covered in the report;
• Discover the top-performing markets (strongest and weakest performers) as well as the markets, that are forecast to grow the most in the medium term (rising stars vs. yesterday’s news) in each global region;
• Build and execute upon a strong strategy based on verified market data and expert insights;
• Explore and identify new market opportunities in the countries and regions within the market;
• Discover how each of the markets performed in the past (in the last 5 years) and how it will perform in the future (in the next 6 years);
• Strategically assess the competitive position of the main market players;
• Evaluate how diversified the market is in terms of competitive intensity, fragmentation and environment and understand competitive threats;
• Make important strategic decisions safely and with confidence;
• Discover data your competitors might already have and be acting upon;
• Evaluate your position on the market, choose a new market to enter or get to know a completely new market;
• Receive professional expertise on the market and everything important, connected with its development;
• Save your time and resources by not having to compile the whole research by yourself;
• Save money by not having to invest in 151 country reports separately;
• Get all the data you need in one place;
• Empower your marketing, branding, strategy, product and business development, consumption and supply functions with valuable market insights;
• Build your investment strategy by assessing market attractiveness, regional/country attractiveness or company attractiveness;
• Build your own market entry or market expansion strategy or evaluate your current strategy;
• Add value to pitches and presentations by using verified market data and expert insights;
• Evaluate the key macroeconomic indicators to get insight into the general trends within the economy and demographics.
What Kind of Data Is Presented in This Report?
This report presents data, which is:
• Reliable (the report is prepared using a proven methodology, including both primary and secondary research);
• Expert-verified (the data is cross-checked and confirmed by more than 50 global and local experts, representatives of the main market players);
• Real (allowing you to confidently make smarter business and strategic decisions);
• Comprehensive (breaks down the overall global data into separate data for 151 countries);
• Comparable (the report covers information, which has been calculated in the same units for each indicator, making it comparable among all global countries and regions but still taking into account the local differences of the markets);
• Easy to read, perceive and understand (you do not have to be a market expert to understand what really is happening on the market and how it works);
• Valuable (the value you get from this report is much higher than the investment you make for it);
• Quick and hassle-free to get;
• Commercially feasible - you do not have to invest in 151 country reports separately;
• All in one place;
• Easy to get - just a few clicks away!
What Kind of Decisions You Can Make Based on the Data in This Report?
This report presents reliable and real market data, providing valuable support to make important strategic decisions regarding:
• Strategic planning;
• Marketing and sales;
• Market and industry evaluation;
• Evaluation of market opportunities, risks and challenges;
• Regional and country evaluation and opportunity analysis;
• Market entry;
• Market growth;
• Pricing and promotion;
• New product development;
• Distribution;
• Sourcing and supply chain management;
• Company evaluation;
• Mergers and acquisitions.
Who Is This Report for?
This report is for people who already are actively working on this market, representatives of producers, distributors, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, suppliers:
• Industry C Level executives;
• Directors;
• Industry strategists;
• Marketing professionals;
• Business development professionals;
• Product developers;
• Product marketers and strategists;
• Product managers;
• Project managers;
• Suppliers;
• Traders;
This report is also for people, not directly and actively involved in the market, representatives of investors, consultants, advisors and financial institutions:
• Management consultants;
• Investment managers;
• Financial professionals;
• Bank managers;
• M&A managers.
Short Methodology
This research report has been prepared using the proven WMStrategy’s methodology, including a blend of qualitative and quantitative data. The information comes from official sources and insights from market experts (representatives of the main market participants), gathered by semi-structured interviews. For this particular report, more than 50 market expert interviews have been conducted with experts from the leading market companies (producers, distributors, retailers, suppliers, etc.). The full list of interviewed experts and a detailed methodology are available upon request.
Regional Coverage
The report on the global rum market breaks down the world into the following regions and countries and covers every single one of them:
• Africa (Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe);
• Asia and Pacific (Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam)
• The CIS countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan);
• Europe (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, The United Kingdom);
• The Middle East (Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates);
• North America (Canada, Mexico, The United States of America);
• North East Asia (China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea);
• South and Central America (Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay).
Besides the fact that this report provides data on each indicator for each and every covered country, the report also breaks down the world into more regions than any other report. For example, North East Asia has been presented separately from Asia and Pacific due to the economic importance of China, Japan and South Korea and their cultural differences from the other countries in Asia and Pacific.
Product Coverage
This report covers the following product groups:
• Rum (including run and taffia; excluding ready-to-drink cocktails, containing rum or taffia).
This is the most valuable, detailed (COVID-19 updated) and comprehensive report about the global rum market currently available, covering all global regions and 151 single countries! We also offer similar reports, covering every global country and region separately and offer special terms for bundle purchases. So, if you are interested in the global rum market, this research report will provide you with reliable, expert-verified and real market data you can safely and confidently base your decisions on. In a quick and hassle-free way, it will provide you with a strategic analysis of the market, its recent and future development. In addition, this solution will save you time and money while presenting you all the necessary information, empowering you to make informed commercial decisions and move your business forward!
This report is the most in-depth publicly available business analysis that exists on this particular market. And it is all here in one place, just a few clicks away! The report will be dispatched in up to 5 working days after order confirmation.!