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Consumer Goods & Retailing

Sporting Goods Wholesaling in the US - Industry Market Research Report

Sporting Goods Wholesaling in the US - Industry Market Research Report

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Sporting Goods Wholesaling in the US - Industry Market Research Report
Sporting Goods Wholesaling in the US

Revenue for the Sporting Goods Wholesaling industry has increased over the past five years, as demand for sporting goods equipment increased during the coronavirus. Time spent on leisure and sports increased during the pandemic as consumers began working from home while parks and golf courses were among the first businesses to reopen during the pandemic. Also, wholesalers' strong relationships with small, specialty retailers have enabled industry revenue to grow during the current period. Industry revenue will increase an annualized 6.1% to $80.1 billion over the five years to 2023. Industry revenue has boomed due to strong macroeconomic trends and an associated rise in selling prices because of inflationary pressures. In 2023, industry revenue will increase by 0.4%.

Operators in the Sporting Goods Wholesaling industry wholesale a range of sporting and recreational goods and accessories, such as billiards equipment, sporting firearms and ammunition, marine craft and equipment and pool supplies. This industry does not include the wholesale of athletic apparel and footwear, automobiles, other motor vehicles or transportation equipment.

This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

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